17 Απρ News about the training of Energy experts

1-day Workshop was orgzanised in Italy by Smart Future
One of the objective of our project is to promote our two outputs: the EMSA free and anonymous web-tool and the Energy Angel network. Moreover, another objective is to train future Energy Angels about the specificity of energy efficiency in industries with a specific focus on water processes.
To reach these 2 objectives, the EnergyWater project has organised several training sessions, using different formats:
- In-person training sessions (of 1 or 2 days), in France and Spain in 2017 and in Spain, Belgium and Italy beginning of 2018.
- Webinars (2-3 hours), in UK and Italy in 2017.
These events were successfull and allowed the collection of very important feedbacks about the EMSA web-tool. It has permitted us to improve the tool and co-build a tool which will be easy to use, efficient and robust.

1-day workshop organized in Brussels by WssTP
The EnergyWater project is going to pursue organising trainings all around Europe in 2018, firstly by organising additional webinars.
So if you are interested in the theme of « Energy efficiency and Water in industry », whatever your profile (energy manager, energy ewperts or person working with water in its process), save the date for the 2 following webinars!:
- 15th May – French speaking (contact: Sonia SIAUVE (OIEau), s.siauve@oieau.fr)
- 26th May – English speaking (contact: Daniel Marten (Carbon Trust), daniel.marten@CarbonTrust.com)
Moreover, additional webinars and in-person training session will be organised in 2018 in different countries and will be announced on the website.
For any aditional information, please feel free to contact Sonia Siauve (OIEau) at : s.siauve@oieau.fr or +33587753119.